
qb-garage v2 with private garages and much more! | qb-core

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qb-garage v2 with private garages! | qb-core

A beautiful, lightweight and easy to use multi-garage system & impound for qb-core. Loosely based off the concept of qb-garages, Here are some of the core features:

  • :gem:  Clean, intuitive and super easy to use Bootstrap-based interface
  • :red_car:  Configurable garage locations, with the ability to transfer and take out cars from any garage
  • :airplane:  Car, boat and air garage types
  • :construction:  Vehicle impound with options such as self-retrieval, timer and reason
  • :toolbox:  Proper job garages – job vehicles are owned vehicles and not just spawned in
  • :skull:  Gang garages – gangs can have owned vehicles which all gang members have access to
  • :house_with_garden:  Private garages (for houses or other private properties)
  • :white_check_mark:  Spawn pileup protection
  • :computer:  Configurable admin commands for adding/removing job vehicles, changing vehicle plates and deleting vehicles from database
  • :sparkles:  Highly customisable config file and access to some callback functions to tailor the script for your servers needs
  • :heart:  Responsive, one-to-one personal support available via Discord and updates to come!

The script is very well optimised, easy to configure and lightweight. It measures 0ms in background and just 0.04ms when active.


  • QBCore
  • oxmysql
  • LegacyFuel (configurable)